(2004年/アメリカ/監督:Wolfgang Petersen/脚本:Homer (poem) David Benioff ) |
今回ご紹介するのは、物語の根源ともいうべき、Orlando Bloom演じるParisが、ようやく平和交渉を終了した相手国の妃、Diane Kruger演じるHelenを奪い、それをParisの兄である、Eric Bana演じるHectorと言い争うシーンから。
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Hector: |
Do you know what you have done? Do you know how many years our father worked for peace? |
Hector: |
Ugh. It's all a game to you isn't it? You roam from town to town, bedding merchants' wives and temple maids and you think you know something about love? What about your father's love? You spat on him when you brought her onto this ship! What about the love for your country? You'd let Troy burn for this woman? I won't let you start a war for her. |
Paris: |
May I speak? If what you say is true. I've ruined you. I've ruined our father. If you want to take Helen back to Sparta, so be it! But I go with her. |
Hector: |
To Sparta, they'll kill you. |
Paris: |
Then I'll die fighting. |
Hector: |
Well that's sounds heroic to you doesn't it? To die fighting. Tell me little brother, have you ever killed a man? |
Hector: |
Ever seen a man die in combat? |
Hector: |
I've killed men and I've heard them dying and I've watched them dying and there's nothing glorious about it, nothing poetic. You say you're willing to die for love but you know nothing about dying and you know nothing about love! |
Paris: |
All the same, I go with her. I won't ask you to fight my war. |
Hector: |
You already have. |
このような「時代劇」映画の場合、難しい英語が多いのですが、この映画では、3400年前に起こった出来事ではなく、まるでカリフォルニアの海岸での会話のように聞こえます。物語の中心は、もちろんこの2人ではなく、6ヶ月かけて「肉体美」を作り上げたBrad Pittですが、彼もギリシャというよりカリフォルニアという感がしたのは、筆者だけでしょうか。 |