・NPO団体でインターンシップ経験を積む(Community Internship)
・アジアのビジネス交流の問題を解く(Communicating Across Asia)
・オーストラリアの大学で通用する、専攻別の英語力を身につける(Language and Communication for business and commerce)
・マネジメント理論の基礎を知る(Management Concepts)
・国際ビジネスで求められる基礎知識を網羅(Introduction to International Business)
・イベントマーケティングのノウハウを学ぶ(Event Marketing & Sponsorship)
・マーケティングの観点でビジネスを捉える力を養う(Introduction to Marketing)
・グローバル化するアジア経済を学ぶ(Globalisation Asia-Pacific & Australia)
・日本や社会や特有のポップカルチャーを知る(Japanese Society and Pop culture)
・アジア諸国のビジネスと政治をひも解く(Business and Politics in the Asia Pacific Region)
・オーストラリアの原住民を取り巻く現状を知る(First Peoples)
・環境の持続可能性と社会経済のつながりを考える(Introduction to Environmental Sustainability)
・観光地と旅行者の相互関係を捉える(People and Places in the Service Industries)
・観光と外食産業、ワイン産業の関連性を知る(Food and Wine Tourism)
・スポーツマネージメントを理解する(Sport Management Principles)
・財務会計の読み解き方を知る (Management Accounting)
・意思決定への経済学の役割を分析(Economics for Decision Making)
・ファッションのグローバル化(Global Fashion)
入門(Introduction to Screen Analysis)
・広告とクリエイティブ戦略について学ぶ(Advertising and Creative Strategies)
・デジタルビデオとコンテンツ制作を学ぶ(Digital Video and Content Production)
・スペイン語を英語軸で学ぶ(Spanish IA)
・Bachelor of Animation
・Principles of Animation
・Animation Sound Design
・CGI: Digital Sculpture
・Art Direction
・New Media Art
・Bachelor of Architectural Design
・Introduction to Environmental Sustainability
・Introduction to Architecture and Landscape Design
・Structure and the Environment
・Understanding Australian Cities
・Sustainable Design Principles
・3D Design for Public Spaces
・Bachelor of Arts
・Understanding the Social World
・First Peoples
・Introduction to Forensic Psychology
・Writing Across Cultures
・Psychology of Crime
・Sociology of Youth
・Aboriginal Political Histories
・Great Empires of Islamic Civilization
・Islamic Law in a Changing World
・Media, Politics and Public Opinion
・International Relations Theory
・Introduction to Public Relations
・Media Campaigns and Strategies
・Conflict and Forced Displacement
・War, Peace and Security: Humanity and History
・Sociology of Identity
・Modern Greek
・Bachelor of Asian Studies
・Asian Societies: People and Environment
・Islam in the Modern World
・Transforming Asian Economies
・Globalisation the Asia-Pacific and Australia
・Griffith in Asia Initiative
・Asian Politics/Business Research Project
・Asian Society/Culture/Law Research Project
・Asian Business
・Crime, Business and Politics in Asia
・Managing People in the Asia Pacific
・Asia Pacific Film
・Power in East Asia
・Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia
・Business and Politics in the Asia Pacific Region
・Bachelor of Biomedical Science
・Chemistry of Biological Systems
・Anatomy and Physiology Systems
・Neuroscience Health
・Challenges for the 21st Century
・Health Law and Ethics
・Healthcare Systems
・Bachelor of Business
・Management Concepts
・Accounting for Decision Making
・Introduction to Marketing
・Business Data Analysis
・Government-Business Relations
・Legal Issues for Managers
・Management Strategy and Decision Making
・Business Ethics and Corporate Governance
・Bachelor of Government and International Relations
・International Relations
・The Mechanics of Power
・Governments, Markets and Communities
・Dilemmas in International Relations
・Australian Politics and Government
・Political Leadership
・The Business of Sustainability
・Terrorism, Counter-terrorism, and Globalisation
・Bachelor of International Business
・Introduction to International Business
・Introduction to Marketing
・Economics for Decision Making
・Business Data Analysis
・Human Resource Management Principles
・Consumer Psychology
・Digital and Social Media Marketing
・Marketing Strategy and Metrics
・Management Strategy and Decision Making
・Management Concepts
・Accounting for Decision Making
・International Trade and Competition
・International Marketing
・International Financial Management
・Human Resource Information Systems
・Firm Behaviours and Business Strategy
・Comparative Management
・International Trade and Competition
・Export Management
・Intercultural Management
・Bachelor of Design
・2D Digital Communication
・Design and Society
・New Media Literacy
・Histories and Theories of Design
・Transmedia and Image Making
・Interdisciplinary Study
・Creative Visual Strategies
・Furniture Design
・Colour in Interior Design
・Computer Visualisation and Image Creation
・Bachelor of Education
・Education and Society
・Communication in Learning and Teaching
・World Indigenous Knowledges
・Understanding ICT for Teaching and Learning
・Foundations of Curriculum and Pedagogy
・Philosophy and Ethics in Education
・Teaching as a Profession
・Collaboration and Co-teaching
・Bachelor of Information Technology
・Information Technology Fundamentals
・Web Technologies
・Software Development
・Data Management
・Programming Principles
・Professional Issues in Information Technology
・Programming Languages
・Programming Fundamentals
・Interactive App Development
・Games Development
・Intelligent Media Systems
・Computer Networking Essentials
・Bachelor of Environmental Science
・Challenges for the Global Environment
・Applied Statistics
・Plant Diversity
・Animal Diversity
・Environmental Politics and Policy
・Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
・Environment, Culture and Ethics
・Economics and Natural Resources
・Ecological Economics
・Understanding Planning and Environment Law
・Soils and Geomorphology
・Rivers and Catchments
・Urban Ecology and Biodiversity
・Environment and Health
・Understanding Australian Cities
・Challenges for the Global Environment
・Bachelor of Laws
・Foundations of Law
・Global Law
・Constitutional Law
・Administrative Law
・Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management
・Information Systems for Services Industries
・International Tourism and Hotel
・Management Principles
・Interpreting Tourism Management Information
・Financial Management for Tourism and Hospitality
・Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
・Career Development
・Tourism Management Principles
・Tourism Impact Assessment
・Destination Marketing
・Cruise Industry Management
・International Food and Beverage Management
・Hotel Distribution and Sales
・Rooms Division Management
・Managing Hospitality Service Experiences
・Hotel Service Operations Management
・Tourism and Hotel Economic Analysis
・Sport Management Principles
・Organising and Staging Major Sport Events
・Contemporary Issues in Sport Business
・Sport Marketing
・Sport Development Systems
・Bachelor of Journalism
・Genres of Journalism
・Foundations of Academic Writing
・Introduction to Journalism
・News Writing and Ethics
・Media Law
・Investigative Journalism
・Radio Journalism
・Television Journalism
・Social Media for Journalism and Public Relations
・Rethinking Journalism
・Feature Writing
・Magazine and News Design
・Bachelor of Public Health in Health Promotion and Public Health Nutrition
・Sustainability and Health
・Health Challenges for the 21st Century
・Priorities and Interventions in Public Health
・Needs Assessment, Program Planning and Evaluation
・Physical Activity Promotion
・Bachelor of Sport Development
・Sport Development
・Sports Coaching
・Fitness Practicum
・Sports Law
・Exercise Prescription and Practice
・Sport Development Practicum
・Exercise Sports Nutrition
・Sport Marketing