


・マネジャーの役割、必要なスキルとは(The Role of the Manager)


・大都市ロンドンの社会構造を学ぶ(London Business: operating in a Global City)


・組織論の入門編授業(Global Business Environment)


・グローバルコミュニケーションの概念と戦略(Interpersonal Global Communication: Concepts and Strategies)


・マーケティングの基礎を学ぶ(Marketing Principles)

社会やビジネスにおけるマーケティングの役割について学ぶ入門編の授業。マーケティングアクティビティの基礎概念、消費者行動、マーケティングのツールなどについて学ぶ。また同時にマーケティングの基礎概念が現代社会の中や環境問題にどのように使われ、またどのような効果を出しているのかについて評価する。 消費者行動の要因を探る(Buyer Behaviour) 消費者行動、心理学、社会学の分野の理論を駆使しながら、消費者の行動にはどのような要因があるのかについて学ぶ。さらにそうした消費者行動の情報を商業界がどのように扱い、決断を下し、ものを作る・売るというプロセスを行っているのかについても学ぶ。

・観光産業の戦略プランニングを学ぶ(Strategic Planning for Tourism)


・プロジェクトとプログラムマネージメント(Project and Programme Management)


・高級市場におけるビジネスマネージメント(Luxury Business Management)


・“人”と“組織”の関係性を理解する(People and Organisations)




・犯罪と規律のグローバル化(Globalisation, Crime and Control)


・写真展を観る、写真を撮る(Photography in London)


・美術作品や歴史的建造物に親しむ(Art & Society)


・絵画入門を学ぶ(Drawing Systems)


・演劇鑑賞とレビュー中心の授業(London Theatre Studies)


・風刺と都市の関係性を読み解く(Satire and the City)


・国際開発におけるジレンマを考察する(Dilemmas of International Development)


・犯罪や正義をジェンダーの視点で捉える(Gender, Crime and Justice)


・EU諸国による地域勢力を模索する(The European Union as a Regional Power)


・文化の課題を考察する(Issues in Culture)


・ピープルマネージメント/人材育成について学ぶ(Managing People)


・英国の文学革命を紐解く(Writing Revolutions)





<Regent Campus:Faculty of Social Science and Humanities>


・Justice and Human Rights
・Researching Crime and Justice I
・Globalisation, Crime and Control
・Race, Crime and Justice
・Gender, Crime and Justice
・Forensic Criminal Psychology
・Issues in State Crime
・Victims of Crime
・Criminological Research in Action
・Controversies in Criminal Justice
・Psychology and Crime
・Crime and the London Underworld
・Radical Criminology
・Youth, Crime and Justice
・Punishment and Modern Society
・Psychology, Crime and the Popular Imagination
・Immigration, Crime and Control

・Cross-displinary subjects

・Designing Narrative Experiences
・Pop Goes the Now:Deconstructing Popular Culture
・Applying the Tools of Positive Psychology for Personal and Professional Development

・English for Non-native Speakers

・Academic Language for Disciplinary Study
・Academic Spoken Communication Skills for International Students

・English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies: English Language

・Language and Text
・Shakespeare and Performances
・Writing Revolutions
・Making Memory: Culture History and Representation
・Issues in Culture
・Satire and the City
・Language Myths
・Language and Power

・English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies: Creative Writing

・London Stories:Creative Writing

・English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies: English Literature

・Poetry and Politics
・Travel Sickness:Narrative of Exploration and Disaster
・Tragedy:Ancient to Modern
・Fiction After 1950

・English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies: Linguistics

・Child Language Acquisition


・Conflict and Commemoration:War and Memory in 21st Century Europe
・The Blitz:Image, Impact, Legacy 1940-1951
・New Liberals to New Labour:British Politics 1906-2010
・Jack the Ripper:Myth, Reality, Culture and Popular History
・Civil War to Civil Rights:Race, Society and Politics in the USA1850-1970
・A sexual History of London
・The End of History? Crisis and Conflict since the Cold War
・The Cinema as a Source for Historians
・The Troubles:Britain and Nothern Ireland 1968-1998
・Transatlantic Feminisms:The Women’s Movement in 20th Century Britain and Canada
・”Don’t Mention the War!” Britain and Germany since 1945
・Metropolis:London and Modernity 1830-1939
・Swinging London:A Revolution and its Legacy
・Fenians to Free State:The Making of Modern Ireland 1863-1923
・In Bed with the Empire:Sex, Race, and the Making of Modern Britain 1800-1912
・Divided Society:A Social History of Britain in the Twentieth Century
・Vichy:War, Occupation and the Holocaust in France 1940-44
・New World Order:International Organisations in an Age of Global Conflict and Change
・Unruly Colossus. Churdhill:Politician and Writer 1874-1965


・Introduction to Human Rights Law
・Elements of EU Law
・Criminology and the Law
・Contemporary Issues in Commercial Property Law
・Law and Mental Health
・Consuer Law
・Legal Psychology
・Elements of Company Law
・Elements of Criminal Procedur and Evidence
・Elements of Entertainment Law:Theory and Practice
・Elements of Family Law and Family Justicd
・Elements of Employment Law
・Elements of Law of Intellectual Property
・Elements of Media Law
・Elements of International Law and Global Justice
・Elements of Law of International Trade
・Elements of Human Rights:Idea, Law and Practice
・Elements of Religion:Law and Society
・Elements of Commercial Law
・Elements of Competition Law
・People, Culture and Property
・Criminal Justice:Crime and Punishment
・Introduction to Business Law
・Introduction to Rights and the Law
・Mooting and Advocacy
・The Portrayal of Justice:Screen Representations of Law and Lawyers
・Law and Social Media
・Islamic Law in Context
・Introduction to Legal Practice
・Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution
・Law and Culture
・Medical Law and Ethics
・Rethinking Criminal Justice
・Housing Law
・Child Protection Law and Policy
・Law and Social Justice
・Law and Sport in Contemporary Society

・London Studies

・Photography in London
・Art and Society
・London Theatre Studies
・Monarchy – A Royal History of London

・Modern Language and Cultures:Arabic

・The Arab World and the World
・Expressions of Arabic Culture

・Modern Language and Cultures:Chinese

・The Chinese World and the Word
・Expressions of Chinese Culture

・Modern Langugage and Cultures:French

・The French World and the Word
・Expressions of French Culture

・Modern Langugage and Cultures:Spanish

・The Spanish World and the Word
・Expressions of Spanish Culture

・Modern Languages and Cultures: Studies of Language

・Interpersonal Global Communication:
Concepts and Strategies
・Language, Power and Institutions:
Decoding Dominant Narratives
・Professionalising Global Communication
・Dreaming the Same Dream? Concepts of Happiness Across Cultures
・People and Things on the Move:Identity, Place and Memory in and Across Diasporic Spaces
・Interultural Communication:An Introduction
・Objects and Meaning:World Cultures in London Galleries and Museums
・Multilingual e-Collaboratioin:
Transposing Current Affairs
・Complex Narratives:
Representation, Meaning and Identity
・Narrating the Other:Politics and Literature
・Gender Matters:Femininities, Masculinities and Trans-Cultural Practice

・Politics and International Relations

・Dilemmas of International Development
・Asia, Africa and Latin America:
Dynamism and Change in the Global South
・Global Political Economy
・The European Union as a Regional Power
・Theorising Politics and International Relations
・American Power in a Multi-Polar World
・Contested Sovereignty:Jurisdiction nd Power in Contemporary International Relationss
・Gender and Politics
・Postcolonical Political and International Relations
・Security and the Surveillance State
・Social and Political Movements in a Globalising World
・Oil, Globalisation and Development in the Middle East and Central Asia
・British Politics
・Democracy in Crisis
・Global Governance and the State
・The Global Politics of Migration
・The Politics of Killing
・Global Security
・Middle East Politics
・Political Economy of Development
・Politics and Society in 21st Century America
・Doing Political Research:Project
・Management in the Social Sciences
・Advanced Readings in Contemporary Political Theory
・Ethics Morality and World Order(s)
・Foreign Policy and Diplomacy in a Changing World
・Humanitarian Interention and International Relations
・Radical democracy
・Special Topic in Politics and International Relations


・Thinking Sociologically
・Introducing Media and Cultural Studies
・Modern Social Theory
・Education Now
・Gloalisation and the Media
・Contemporary Social Theory
・Families, Intimacies and Personala Life
・Identity and Society
・London Explored
・Introducing Gender
・London Lives:Migrant London
・The Sociology of Religion
・Emotional Life
・Youth Culture and Identity
・Globalisation:Politics, Law and the Arts
・Life and Death:The Medicalisation of the Body
・Makingn the News
・Consuming Race
・Gender, Education and Identity

<Marylebone Campus:Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment>

・Cross-displinary subjects

・Art/Science Collaboration
・Designing Narrative Experiences
・Pop Goes the Now:Deconstructing Popular Culture
・Applying the Tools of Positive Psychology for Personal and Professional Development

・Planning and Transport

・Contemporary issues in Designing Cities
・Strategic Spatial Planning

・Property and Construction

・Introduction to Building Technology
・Introduction to Bplanning and Sustainability
・Planning Practice
・London’s City Regeneration
・Housing Law Sales and Practice
・Sustainability and Environmental Policy
・Introduction to Property Economics and Property Accountancy
・Urban Regeneration and Development
・Property Businesses
・Residential Survey and Development
・Neighbourhood and Community Planning
・Global Practice


・Design Materials and Fabrication

・Interiro Architecture

・Time-based Media:Film ・Exhibition and Spatial Design

・Planning and Transport

・Development Process and Property Markets


・Understanding Events
・Heritage Tourism
・Sport Tourism
・Event Design and Technology
・Managing Airports
・Strategic Planning for Tourism
・Current Debates in Tourism
・Hospitality in Tourism and Events
・The Airline Industry
・City Tourism and Urban Change

<Harrow Campus:Faculty of Media, Arts and Design>

・Cross-displinary subjects

・Art/Science Collaboration
・Designing Narrative Experiences
・Applying the Tools of Positive Psychology for Personal and Professional Develoment

・Animation – Practical

・The Animatics Bootcamp:Theory of Practice
・Digital Aesthetics (CGI)

・Contemporary Media Practice – Practical

・Introduction to Contemporary Media Practice
・Media Frointiers
・Transmedia Practices
・Scriptwriting For Media
・Developing Contemporary Media Practice
・Media Explorations
・Convergent Media
・Professional Launchpad 

・Contemporary Media Practice – Theory

・Introduction to Contemporary Media Theory
・Critical Perspectives on Media
・Media Representations

・Graphic Communication Design – Practical

・Design Process
・Visual Language and Communication
・Authorship and Interaction
・Representation of Information
・Typography and Communication
・Information Applications
・Visual Narratives
・Visual Representation
・Live Projectss
・Graphic Communication Design – Theory
・Design History and Culture

・Illustration and Visual Communication – Practical

・Drawing Systems
・Graphic Explorations
・Figure Drawng
・Visual Communication – Interdisciplinary Practice 

・Illustration and Visual Communication – Theory

・Art & Visual Culture
・Introduction to Image Media

・Lodon Studies

・Modern Art in London
・Photographing the City:London (Study Abroad)
・Television in London

・Mixed Media Fine Art – Theory

・Introduction to Mixed Media Fine Art Practice
・Contemporary Fine Art Practice 1 Experimentation
・Material Light – Lens based Practic within a Fine Art Context
・Reconsidering Drawing
・Contemporary Fine Art Practive 2.2 Presentation
・Professional Practice

・Mixed Media Fine Art – Practical

・Sources of Contemporary Fine Art Practice
・Contemporary Fine Art Ideas & Form

・Photography – Practical

・The Photograhic Eye
・Photography Beyond The Frame
・The Constructed Photography
・Photographpy For Wall Page & Screen

・Photography – Theory

・Photography from Invention to Mass Medium
・Vison and Technology
・Photography from the Cold War to the Present

・Fashion Industry

・London Fashion
・Fashion Trends and Consumer
・Visual Merchandising
・Trends and Change Implementation for Fashion Retail
・Luxury Business Management
・London Fashion
・Global Fashion Retailing
・Visual Merchandising
・Sustainable Fashion
・Commercial Skills

<Cavendish Campus:Faculty of Science and Technology>

・Cross-displinary subjects

・Art/Science Collaboration
・Designing Narrative Experiences
・Pop Goes the Now:Deconstructing Popular Culture
・Applying the Tools of Positive Psychology for Personal and Professional Development

・Biomedical Sciences

・Critical Skills for the Biomedical Sciences
・Human Physiology
・Medical Genetics and Genomics
・Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics
・Applied Pathobiology
・Infection and Immunity
・Human Parasitology
・Medical Physiology
・Celluar and Molecular Pathology
・Clinical Immunology and Immunohaematology
・Diagnostic Biocheminstry and Haematology
・Medical Microbiology in the Genomics Era
・Functional Anatomy
・Medical Genetics in Practice
・Applied Pathobiology
・Diagnostic Biochemistry and Haematology
・Cancer Biology

・Computer Science

・Programming Principles
・Information Technology Security
・Object Oriented Programming
・Database Systems
・Advanced Client-side Development
・Game Development Group Project III
・Enterprise Application Development
・Advanced Server0side Web Programming
・Mobile Udrt Experience
・Advanced Interactive Media Development
・Reasoning about Progams
・Concurrent Progamming
・Business Analytics
・Client Server Architecture
・Mobile Application Development
・Server-Side Web Development
・Digital Imaging and Computing
・Funcamental Mathematics and Data Analysis for Science
・Usability Testing
・Algorithms:Theory Design and Implementation
・Advanced Maths and Game AI
・Networked Games and Security
・Security and Forensics
・Web Intelligence

・Life Sciences

・Science:History Philosophy and Practice
・Chinese Medicine:Conepts and Context
・Yoga and Meditation
・Moleular Biology and Genetics
・Urban Living and the Environment
・Proteins and Enzymes
・Applied Biotechnology
・Nutrituion and Performance
・Topics in Neuroscience
・Social Psychology
・Cognitive Psychology
・Data Analysis for Psychology
・Clinical Applictions of Mindfulness
・Systems Neuroscience
・Occupational and Work Psychology
・Clinical Psychology
・Music and the Mind
・Psychology of Education
・Applications of Biological Sciences
・Fundamentals of Pharmacology
・Exploring the Microbial World
・Contemporary Global Issues
・Health and Exercise Practices
・Physiological Networks
・Advanced Molecular Biology
・Advanced Cell Biology
・Clinical Neuropharmacology
・Global Challenges in Food and Health


・Biological Psychology
・Developmental Psychology
・Lifespan Development
・Cognitive Disorders
・Psychology of Counselling and Psychotherapy
・Health Psychology
・Clinical Neuropsychology



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